Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Little Perspective

Our health insurance system is cracked, and the prices set for services and medicine is ridiculous. If you don't have insurance, you are screwed. If you do have insurance, you often feel like you need to hire a lawyer to help you navigate the loophole minefield.

Dealing with insurance companies, doctors, dentists and billing departments blows. Everyone thinks everyone else is trying to screw them over, and really, all anyone wants to do is get through the day and go home.

While a lot of our health issues are related to our lifestyle choices, there are still things you can't plan for, or avoid, or granola your way out of. Know your family medical history. Supplement your Big Macs and milkshakes with produce and water. Choose your doctors wisely.

If you have the opportunity to sign up for health care coverage, do it. If disability insurance is an option, take it. Up front, each month, you will feel a little strain on your bank account. But imagine what this would do to you, your finances, stress levels, and psychological well-being:

And don't think you wouldn't take a deep breath and a smile of relief at this:

Oh, and as for the surgery itself? Doing well! 10 more days and I can join a revival and shake my hands above my head with the best of 'em. And after seeing this insurance claim, I totally want to.


  1. Oh my freaking god!!!! That is crazy!

  2. YAY FOR INSURANCE! Seriously. It's insane how much everything costs. You were wise to have so much protection!
