Monday, October 4, 2010

I think it may have been child-abuse when she made me watch Dumbo

Let's say your workplace is heading into its busy season, and someone in a bigger cubicle than yours has determined your department needs a theme to motivate you through the challenging times and long hours ahead.

Let's say that someone chose THE CIRCUS as the motivational theme.

Would you:
A) Punch him in the throat
B) Purchase elephant dung on the internet, to give his cubicle the unmistakable scent of authenticity
C) Ask your slightly depraved, yet enviably flexible co-worker if you could borrow her trapeze and hang it above the coffee machine, lending Japanese game show flair to the mornings
D) Offer to be in charge of all three rings

If you are my mother, you chose D.

And then you conned your daughters into doing research for you.

So, if you'll excuse me, I need to start pricing rubber noses and unicycles.

However, your input is totally welcome! Circus-themed jokes, game ideas, whatever you've got. My inner kindergarten teacher is on strike right now and all I can think of is that horrible Disney movie and this:


  1. When I was little, Dumbo would always make me cry. When he goes to visit his mommy in elephant jail, and she sticks her trunk out and makes a little seat for Dumbo, and rocks him... Oh the waterworks!!! Hmm... Circus office theme, huh? Wow, that's pretty bad. If I come up with anything, I'll letcha know.
    Michelle (brat-1)

  2. Kinda fits the theme of MY job now. Bunch of Clowns. Hahahaha!!! Oh the jokes we could go for on THAT theme!!

  3. Oh Dick Van Dyke, you comic genius!!
